The Role of Government and Policy in Lake Restoration
Besides its vibrant tourism industry, there's another side to Florida that often gets overlooked - its incredible lakes. You might be surprised to learn that [...]
Preventing Invasive Species: A Key Aspect of Lake Cleaning
When it comes to your lake's health, ensuring the water's quality is essential, but so is preventing the growth of invasive species. You may not [...]
Mechanical Harvesting and Increased Oxygen via Lake Restoration
As the owner of a lakefront property, it’s essential to take responsibility and good care of the lake. Over time, aquatic weeds can grow out [...]
Helpful and Harmful Aquatic Plants
Many people don’t realize that there are helpful and harmful aquatic plants. Unfortunately, most homeowners don’t know the differences between the two. If left unchecked, [...]
A Balanced Ecosystem Through Lakefront Restoration
Living on a lakefront is a great privilege. With easy lake access, you can enjoy the water and throw lakeside parties, all within a few [...]
What Can I Do to Get the Most Out of My Lake Cleanup?
If you own a lakefront property, then you’d be familiar with the way that lakes can become overrun with weeds, seaweed, and algae. When they [...]
Some Benefits of Lake Cleanups You May Not Have Thought Of
Owning a lakefront property is a significant responsibility. It involves regular cleanup so that your shoreline remains tidy and clean, but also so that the [...]
What Types of Vegetation Do We Encounter During Lake Cleanups?
When lake vegetation starts to take over, it’s time to schedule a cleanup. With powerful tools and expert knowledge, we clean out your lake until [...]
What Does the Lake Cleanup Process Typically Look Like?
Owning a lake means taking responsibility and ensuring that it is well taken care of and clean. When a lake gets overrun with algae or [...]